We offer a wide range of timber & timber products ex UK Landed stocks.
Take a look at our selection of machined timber products available.
Our Policy is to source our supplies on a “Direct” basis where possible.

About Us
PETAL was formed in 1986 in the historic city of Lancaster where it remains to this day as a global timber trading business sourcing hardwoods from Far East countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia these are then sold onto UK Timber merchants and Importers. Our mission is to offer our customers excellent service and expertise whilst helping them gain access to high quality timber products…
Environmental Certification
Petal’s company policy is to make every effort, wherever possible, to promote supplies of certified material, encouraging our suppliers to take steps towards third party verification and certification.
Petal are working to increase the proportion of certified materials offered on an on-going basis. This approach will help to ensure the future development of Petal’s trade in Hardwoods in a responsible and environmentally sustainable manner.

Ask for our FSC® certified products