North American Black Walnut
01524 382 273
Why buy Black Walnut Wood from Petal?
Black Walnut is a wood, preferred by our large volume buyers. Our service and product quality sets us apart from our rivals. We perform strict quality controls on our walnut wood to ensure that you receive the best product, at the same time we support our customers both in product selection and after-purchase needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Why American Black Walnut?
Black Walnut wood is also known as Juglans nigra. Rough sawn quality of this wood offers flexibility and price advantage over processed alternatives. The product is renowned for the manufacture of high-quality furniture. It is a valuable hardwood species in North America and the world. Due to its beauty, it is also used in cabinet-making, veneers, turnery, carving and gun stocks.
Full loads available for forward shipment. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery.
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